Loaded Straight Crystal Clear Waggler
- 6.0mm diameter
- Straight Wagglers with no inserts
- Brass weight loadings: 1.5g, 2.0g, 2.5g, 3.0g, 3.5g (approximately 2AA to 4 1/2AA)
- Extra shot required around float & down the line
- Interchangeable brass weight loadings
- Lengths: 160mm to 250mm
- 2 tip colours
Crystal clear straight wagglers, because of their bigger diameter, are normally more buoyant than those with inserts. This extra buoyancy allows the angler to drag line and some shot on the bottom of a river, lay more line on in a lake and is also much more visible at distance or in choppy water and poor light conditions.
These can be trapped with small shot around the float as normal with these ideally placed either side equally to help reduce tangles. You can also use rubber float stops which are excellent when needing to move the float up & down a lot when adjusting the depth as they radically reduce damage to the mainline. But it’s a good idea to place at least two below the float.
If more shot are required down the line then the built-in loading can be reduced as these floats typically need only several small ‘dust’ shot (No 8’s usually) totalling about 0.5g extra to the original float’s loading. You can change the base weights between floats by removing the small silicone collar and just taking the weight off. So, for example, take off the 3.0g weight and replace with a 2.5g weight giving you much more capacity for shot down the line. In this way your ‘dropper’ shots could be several No6 or some No4 etc or even a bulk. This is also a very good way of undershotting a waggler when you need more float sticking out above the surface to allow you to drag shot on the bottom.
By having a selection of types, sizes and lengths enables you to ‘mix & match’ float sizes and even weight loadings. This way you can have the desired weight around the float for casting distance – shot, pre-loaded and a combination – with suitable shot down the line for your presentation. You can adjust and modify all of these for a given set of circumstances. And you can change between sizes without having to make radical changes to your shots. Of course, everything is dependant on the actual size, weight and accuracy of the shot used. It also depends on the type of float adaptor you use as some can weigh as much as a No1 shot ! You can even remove the brass weight altogether and trap-shot the waggler conventionally.
These loaded crystal clear Wagglers have a permanently built in and bonded eye. Some other crystal clear wagglers have a simple push-fit and removeable eye which hold the weight and that system can lead to those eye & weight assemblies completely coming adrift. In that case it means the angler retrieving their end tackle – without the float ! With ours the eyes & weights cannot come off unless the angler wants to take them off. So all of the benefits of interchangeability without the risks.
There are two tip colours available; dark orange and yellow. Changing either to black (which, strangely, although VERY useful is by far the least popular colour) is the simplest thing to do.
Below is a guide to sizes
Loaded Straight Waggler – 1.5g+ 2.0g+ 2.5g+ 3.0g+ 3.5g+. Overall lengths from approximately 160mm to 250mm
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